Best Practices-1

1.   Title of the Practice

Students Welfare Scheme

2.   Objectives of the Practice

  • To provide the financial support to the needy students to pursue the higher education
  • To motivate the students for UG to PG progression by rewards
  • To prevent students from avoidable distractions and engage them in meaningful, positive activities
  • To make higher education accessible and available to the poor, needy and meritorious students
  • To involve the students in management and development of the institution.

3.   The Context

As this college belongs to rural area in the Parbhani District Maharashtra, most students are seeking to admit in the college and need financial support for their academic progress keeping this in mind, college started Earn and Learn Scheme for the needy students and also provide motivation for UG to PG progression by rewarding. A student representative as a member of CDC participate in the management and development of institution. 

4.   The Practice

In this scheme college assign different work in the college and in turn provide financial support to the students.  The work assigned to the students includes garden development, tree plantation in the college premises and campus cleanliness. Applications are invited from the students by circulating notice and scrutiny was done by the concerned committee to select the needy students to support financially. Record of those students participated in the activities are maintained and as per devotion they earn. Also college provides group insurance facilities for the students admitted in the college. College also provides rewards for the meritorious students to motivate them for UG to PG progression at the end of degree course.

5.  Evidence of Success

Garden is developed by various activities like availing water facility to the garden plants, removing weeds and conserving the garden trees properly. Most students motivated due to rewards and admit for PG in different subjects. The amount spent on rewards is the interest on 129550=00 fixed deposit donated by stakeholders. 

6.   Problems Encountered and Resources Required

For this activity financial assistance was obtained from college which was distributed among the needy students as per their performance. In this year total 20,000=00 were spent on the scheme among 35 students. College availed group insurance facility to all the admitted students in different programs. Meritorious students were felicitated with mementos and net prizes.

Best Practices-2

1.    Title of the Practice

Eco Friendly Green Campus


2.    Objectives of the Practice

·      To save human beings from adverse environment effects

·      Plantation of more trees in the campus

·      Planting and conservation of tree in the campus

·      Efficient use of available water in the campus

·      To adapt clean environment concept

3.    The Context

          College has 20.20 Acre land of which main campus is in 05 Acres which include Administrative building and other amenities for the students and staff. Considering todays need of environment conservation and to take the advantage of geographical conditions of this area and available water resources the rest of the campus is covered with planned plantation which increased beauty of the premises. The tree plantation is for the purpose of environment conservation and campus beautification.  The cleanliness and greenery in the campus provides pleasant environment for academic activities.

4.    The Practice

     The different varieties of plant species are planted at defined intervals in the campus with the help of stakeholders. During last five years, college has planted hundreds of plants and trees. Present green campus is the outcomes of our sincere efforts in order to meet our requirements, the electricity resources are used very economically. Tube lights and bulbs have been replaced with CFL and LED lamps, Optimum power utilization is practiced, Plants in the campus are watered without wasting the water. Water harvesting system is in place to collect roof top water into the underground drainage. Students are provided safe and clean drinking water. The wet waste and dry leaves of plants is used for solid waste management plant.

5.   Evidence of success:

The green campus is developed by college helps not only to save the environment it also adds beauty in the campus. College is able to save electricity due above initiatives. Water conservation methods employed are helping maintaining gardens and campus green and eco-friendly. Work together for cleanliness and green campus made college campus beautiful.

  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

Preservation and healthy growth of plants require a lot of human resource and planning.  College NSS units helped in this context. Water shortage problem was overcome with drip irrigation.

  1. Notes:

The college has displayed various slogans on environment awareness and motivation for the academic progress in the campus.  These slogans encourage students to protect plants and keep the environment eco-friendly.