A Thematic Study of John Keat's Poetry (pdf) 3.63 MB
Amartya Sen Yanchi Arthik v Tatvik Bhumika (pdf) 2.75 MB
Anudanit Shaikshanik Sansthamadhil Mahila Karmacharyachya Arthiksthitiche Adhyayan Parbhani Jilha Ek Vishesh Abhyas (pdf) 1.53 MB
Applcation of Fixed therom in G Matric Space for Existence of Solution of Integral Equation (pdf) 2.78 MB
Assessment of zooplankton Community in Dongarhelaki Dam at Dongarselki Near Udagir District Latur (pdf) 1.83 MB
Common Fixed Point Result in Copmplete G Matric Space (pdf) 3.01 MB
Dakshin Parbhani Jilhyatil Bhumi Upayojana Bhaugolik Abhyas (pdf) 4.89 MB
General Landuse Pattern in Nanded Taluka A Case Study (pdf) 3.74 MB
Haemoglobin is Influenced by Aluminium Sulfate in Freshwater Catfish Clarias Batrachus (pdf) 1.96 MB
Hemotological Study of Freshwater Catfish,Clarias Batrachus Exposed by aluminium Sulfate (pdf) 2.43 MB
Ideological Crisis in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (pdf) 5.24 MB
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Importance of Diet During Covied 19 Situation (pdf) 5.14 MB
Issues and Challenges of Wonem Empowerment (pdf) 1.93 MB
Kabir ke Kavya Par Budha ka Prabhav (pdf) 11.05 MB
New Records of Betles Infestiong Stored Products A Case Stuydy (pdf) 3.96 MB
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Studies on Groth of Microphomina Phaseolina Fungul Pathogen with Effects of Methanolic Leaves Extract of Datura Metel (pdf) 5.59 MB
Study the Effect of aqueous Leaf Extract of Adulsa on Groth of Microphomina Phaseolina Fungus by Using Different Concentrations (pdf) 5.30 MB
Superpactive Properties of Hybrid PANI Ni(OH)2Nanocomposite Electodes (pdf) 8.86 MB
Survey of Icthyo Fauna in Ahmedpur Taluka District Latur (M S ) India (pdf) 1.71 MB
Swatantrotar Kalatil Stri ani Sarkarchya Vegveglya Upay Yojana (pdf) 2.87 MB
Synthesis of Radiolabeled 18 F Fluoroprophyl Quinoline5 8 Diones Under No Carrier Added(NCA) Condition (pdf) 1.70 MB
Systematic Observation of New Species of Genus Senga Dollfus 1934 From Instestine of Mystus Seeghala (pdf) 3.25 MB
Vataavarnatil Badal aani Bhartiy Sheti Ek Chikitsaa (pdf) 4.28 MB
Wamandada Kardak ke Kavya me Samajik Samata (pdf) 4.14 MB
Zahir Qureshi ki Gazlein Dharmik Sanvedana (pdf) 4.55 MB

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